
State law requires all children attend school daily unless they are ill or there is a family emergency.

Please contact us as soon as possible to report an absence.

 If a child has five unexcused absences in one month or ten during the year, a petition must be filed with Kitsap County Courts. The definition of an excused absence is as follows

  • Illness
  • Health care appointments
  • School-approved activities
  • Parental approved activities (such as vacations, visitation of relatives, etc.):  A family vacation is only excused if there is prior written approval by the building principal and there is not a serious, adverse effect on the educational progress of the student
  • Religious reasons: The right of parents to determine when their child may be absent from public school in order to observe a religious holiday shall not be limited by school officials

Extended Absence

If your child will be out of school for five or more days due to a family vacation or other reasons, an extended leave form must be filled out, signed by the teacher and principal. These forms are available in the office. Please allow at least two weeks for this process.