The Associated Student Body (ASB) gives students the opportunity to participate in a democratic process. Students elect officers and classroom representatives. These representatives meet regularly and help to give students a voice in their school.
ASB also helps promote the welfare of the student body. It also helps build strong connections between students and their school. The ASB Advisor is Mrs. Woeste.
Meeting are the first Wednesday of each month:
Activities that ASB direct are:
Canned Food Drive T-shirt Logo contest and sale
Kids' Kindness Club and Friendship Bench Talent Show
Deliver food backpacks to teachers Assist in the ASB Store
Earth Day Campus cleanup Spirit Days
No Bullying Posters related to 2nd Steps Preparation for fires, earthquakes and ALICE video drills
Spirit Days are: (exact day will be posted soon)
Nov 30th - Emoji/Zones of Regulation Day
Dec 8th - Culture Day
Jan 5th - Sports Day
Feb 2nd - Disney Day
Mar 2nd - Dr. Seuss Day
Apr 13th - Career Day
May 4th- Favorite Movie Character Day
Jun 1st - Twins Day